Spotlight on Iskandaruddin- A Dedicated Conservationist

We are thrilled to share the inspiring journey of Iskandaruddin, one of the distinguished recipients of the Sumatra Orangutan Caring Scholarship (SOCS). Graduating from Medan Area University with a major in Biology in 2011, Iskandaruddin's thesis focused on the "Inventory of Orangutan Food Trees at Bukit Lawang Ecotourism Forest, Gunung Leuser National Park, North Sumatra, Indonesia." Today, he serves as a key member of the Gunung Leuser National Park (GLNP) Agency.

Planting mangrove

A Career Rooted in Conservation

Iskandaruddin's career with the Gunung Leuser National Park Agency of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry began in 2001. Initially stationed at SPTN Region V Bohorok in Bukit Lawang as a forestry technician, his passion for conservation soon became evident. By 2004, following specialized training, he was promoted to a functional role as a Forest Ecosystem Controller, a position he held in Bukit Lawang until 2017. Here, Iskandaruddin gained profound insights into the behavior of Sumatran orangutans, thanks to the former Bohorok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center.

In 2018, Iskandaruddin took on additional responsibilities, serving as both a Forest Ecosystem Controller and the Head of the Tangkahan Resort in Langkat Regency. The Tangkahan Resort stands out for its dual role in managing conservation areas and domesticated elephants used for patrolling, security, and ecotourism. Today, Iskandaruddin continues to excel in these roles while also leading the Planning and Preservation Working Group at the Gunung Leuser National Park Center Office in Banda Aceh.

Biodiversity Festival

Commitment to Ecosystem Balance

As a Forest Ecosystem Controller, Iskandaruddin's daily tasks involve maintaining the delicate balance between flora and fauna within GLNP. His responsibilities include habitat development to increase wildlife populations, mitigating human-wildlife conflicts, forest fire control and prevention, and patrolling the park for protection and conservation activities.


Iskandaruddin lectures

Passion for Education and Inspiration

Outside his professional duties, Iskandaruddin is an avid reader of scientific books, novels, and biographies, particularly those focused on conservation and self-development. He strives to inspire others to embrace environmental sustainability through writing, training, and environmental education. His outreach efforts target all age groups, emphasizing the importance of living in harmony with nature.


Iskandaruddin and Gary Shapiro

Gratitude for the OCS Scholarship

Reflecting on his academic journey, Iskandaruddin is profoundly grateful for the SOCS, which played a crucial role in his timely completion of his Bachelor's degree in Biology. Although he was already working in conservation, the scholarship provided an opportunity to deepen his academic understanding of flora and fauna, broadening his perspective on wildlife preservation.

During his studies, he benefited immensely from the support of Yayasan Orangutan Sumatra Lestari (Orangutan Information Center), the implementing organization of the SOCS in Sumatra. Iskandaruddin acknowledges the challenges in conservation, primarily due to low public participation and limited community and business support. He firmly believes that improving the welfare of communities around conservation areas is vital for successful conservation efforts, encapsulated in the motto "Prosperous Community of Maintained Forests."


A Call to Action

Iskandaruddin emphasizes the critical role of Sumatran orangutans in maintaining ecosystem balance as natural seed dispersers. He urges everyone, regardless of their background or profession, to participate in preserving plants and wildlife. His message is clear: the preservation of Sumatran orangutans and their habitats is a collective responsibility.


Looking to the Future

Iskandaruddin hopes that the SOCS program will continue to grow, increasing the number of scholarship recipients and funding. He believes that this scholarship is instrumental in raising awareness and fostering a commitment to conservation among the younger generation, particularly in protecting orangutans and their habitats.

Iskandaruddin's story is a testament to the impact of education and dedication in conservation efforts. His work continues to inspire and pave the way for future generations of conservationists.