Orang Utan Republik Foundation Joins the Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP)

Santa Monica, CA – September 23, 2024

The Orang Utan Republik Foundation (OURF) is excited to announce its official acceptance into the Great Apes Survival Partnership (GRASP), a collaborative initiative spearheaded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). This prestigious recognition places OURF alongside global leaders in the conservation of great apes, including research institutions, conservation organizations, and United Nations agencies.


Gary Shapiro, President of the Orang Utan Republik Foundation, received the official notification from Dr. Johannes Refisch, GRASP Programme Manager, on September 23, 2024. The letter confirmed that OURF was approved as a Category E partner in GRASP, which includes non-governmental organizations and research entities dedicated to the conservation of great apes and their natural habitats. As part of this partnership, OURF will have voting rights in the GRASP Council, playing a role in guiding the strategic direction of GRASP’s initiatives.

Dr. Refisch emphasized the importance of collaboration in addressing the critical challenges facing great apes, stating: “GRASP’s mission is to work as a coherent partnership, and through a combination of effort, skills, and expertise, to conserve wild populations of great apes in their natural habitats. We are pleased to welcome the Orang Utan Republik Foundation’s commitment to this mission.”

The inclusion of OURF into GRASP represents a significant milestone for the organization, which has been at the forefront of orangutan conservation efforts for nearly two decades. Gary Shapiro remarked, “Joining GRASP enhances OURF’s ability to advocate for orangutan survival on a global platform. This partnership not only recognizes our work but also strengthens our collaboration with other organizations dedicated to the protection of great apes.”

As part of GRASP, OURF will continue its critical work in Indonesia, focusing on education, habitat protection, and sustainable coexistence between people and orangutans. The shared expertise and resources of GRASP partners will amplify these efforts, ensuring a more robust and coordinated approach to conserving great apes across the world.

By becoming a GRASP partner, OURF joins a growing network of organizations committed to ensuring that interactions between apes and people are sustainable and beneficial. With orangutan populations increasingly threatened by habitat destruction and climate change, this partnership marks a new chapter in the fight for their survival.

For more information about the Orang Utan Republik Foundation and its conservation initiatives, please visit www.orangutanrepublik.org.