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Celebrate International Orangutan Day on August 19th - Environmental News Aug 2024

Posted 13 Aug 2024 in Environmental News , Orangutan News

International Orangutan Day, observed annually on August 19th, is a crucial opportunity to raise awareness about the plight ...

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Earth Day 2024 - Environmental Blog Apr 2024

Posted 18 Apr 2024 in Environmental Blog , Environmental News

2024 is set to be an important year in conservation and saving the earth. For Earth Day 2024, ...

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AI: A New Frontier for Orangutan Conservation - Environmental News Nov 2023

Posted 08 Nov 2023 in Environmental News , Orangutan News , OURF News

As we embrace this year’s theme for Orangutan Caring Week, "Leveraging AI to Protect Orangutans and Global Biodiversity," we are ...

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El Niño leads to more fires and toxic air pollution in Indonesia - Environmental News Sep 2023

Posted 19 Sep 2023 in Environmental News

  • Indonesia saw an increase in land and forest fires recently as the El Niño weather phenomenon brings a prolonged ...

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Indonesia awards biggest Indigenous forest claim yet to Bornean Dayaks - Environmental News Sep 2023

Posted 05 Sep 2023 in Environmental News

  • The Indonesian government has officially recognized the biggest swath yet of forests that fall under the ancestral domain of ...

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Orang Utan Republik Foundation to Hold Annual Pongo Awards to Honor Environmental Achievement and Benefit Critically Endangered Orangutans - Environmental News Aug 2023

Posted 28 Aug 2023 in Environmental News , OURF News

The evening fundraiser in Santa Monica will honor world-renowned nature photographer and filmmaker, James Balog (Chasing Ice, The Human Element), ...

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Indonesia’s biofuel push must go beyond palm oil to reduce risk, experts say - Environmental News Feb 2023

Posted 10 Feb 2023 in Environmental News

Mongabay- JAKARTA — Indonesia must develop a new feedstock alternative to palm oil as the government intensifies an ambitious biofuel ...

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Protecting wetlands is key to Indonesia hitting its climate goals, study says - Environmental News Dec 2022

Posted 21 Dec 2022 in Environmental News

  • Fully protecting Indonesia’s remaining peatlands and mangroves is crucial in meeting its greenhouse gas reduction goals under the Paris ...

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Sustainability pledges help Indonesia produce palm oil with less deforestation - Environmental News Oct 2022

Posted 31 Oct 2022 in Environmental News

  • Deforestation that’s associated with palm oil has fallen by 82% over the past decade in Indonesia, the world’s ...

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As dry season starts in Indonesia, risk of fires — and haze — looms - Environmental News Jul 2022

Posted 25 Jul 2022 in Environmental News

  • There’s a degree of risk that Southeast Asia may see the return of transboundary haze this year from forest ...

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